When you arrive to the Lambertville Inn (address: 11 Bridge St, Lambertville, NJ 08530) you’ll be heading to the Creekside Room, which is located behind the fireplace in the lobby area.
If you’d like to grab a coffee / tea & or breakfast item on the way in…
Be sure to check in at the registration table so that you can pick up some materials for the class. Check in starts at 9:30 am & class will start at 10 am
We will be taking a lunch break - and there are so many great places within walking distance! Some recommendations for a casual, efficient, but delicious bite:
We’ll be opening the day with a segment on beauty from the inside out, which is education on nutrition support for healthy skin!
Then we’ll roll into learning about active ingredients to look for in skincare and learning which products we offer that include them. This helps when connecting with clients, as they are familiar with the buzz words and being marketed to from commercials, magazines, etc. And after each ingredient is discussed, we’ll then learn about what products we offer that include them. This will help you offer product as a natural progression of a conversation.
After this, Vena Hudgins (Paramedical Esthetician with decades of experience as a technician and spa owner!) will be doing a live demonstration, using our exclusive products in a professional service.
We’ll wrap up the rest of the day helping you get clear on your branding goals and identifying a target market(s)so that you feel confident moving forward as you identify potential accounts to partner with! Each of the educators will share a personal experience of how they met a new account and had success implementing. Stories help us to understand how things realistically play out!
If you can stay in town and enjoy dinner at a local restaurant, you won't be disappointed! There is a walking lane on the bridge that connects the two river towns (New Hope, PA to Lambertville, NJ) and so many eateries and fun sights to see simply by walking! Grab a new friend and enjoy <3
It will be an awesome day of information and positive energy! We’re so happy you can be with us in person.
See you soon!